About Verrdi Transport Consultants
Verrdi Transport Consultants Ltd was established back in 2019 with the intention of initially providing only Driving CPC courses, but COVID 19 soon had other ideas and the company isolated for a couple of years until life returned to normal.
Full time trading recommenced soon after with the introduction of Driver CPC online courses and slowly we have been gaining a good reputation of delivering courses in a no nonsense way, from experienced drivers in such a way that drivers appreciate the honest delivery from someone who has been there and lived the experiences and understand the day to day issues drivers face. This approach has seen an ever increasing client base covering the length & breadth of England who entrust us to deliver courses remotely and in the classroom. Throughout 2025 will see an expansion of courses offered including CILT accredited Transport Manager CPC, Transport Manager Refresher Courses & Operator Licence Awareness Training for Restricted Operators involved in running transport as part of their businesses,
The same approach is utilised with those operators who have National & International Operators Licences and we have the pleasure of working with a number operators as their External Transport Manager or as a Transport Consultant for Restricted Licence Operators and those seeking advice with Public Inquiries and Operator Licence applications.
Mission, Vision & Values
Verrdi Transport Consultancy Ltd. are here to provide a nationwide all-inclusive professional consultancy, training and recruitment services to Haulage, Passenger Transport Operations & Drivers. Providing innovative, pragmatic, sensible, cost-effective solutions at the right time, by the right people and are designed to meet or exceed the client’s expectations consistently and remaining in line with our core values.
Vision – “Expertise that drives results”
To establish Verrdi Transport Consultancy Ltd. as the leading organisation that shares its knowledge created from a network of experts to become a fountain of knowledge for all of its clients and all of their staff (from Drivers to the Management team), so they remain educated in all aspects of road transport compliance. To also be the chosen recruitment partner of choice by providing the best team members into their organisation.
Teamwork - everyone knows how they contribute to the strategy, works hard to be successful and makes efforts to ensure others are equally successful. The wins from having this value are as a group – the team being greater than the one.
Customer Intimacy - it goes beyond simply understanding the requirements of your customer and moves into a deeper relationship, with knowledge of their challenges, industries and solid relationships that can ensure low churn and high satisfaction.
Honesty - everything we do has to be transparent in order to build an excellent level of trust between us and our clients.
Respect - treating everyone with dignity, valuing their contribution, understanding each other’s importance and developing a mutually trusted relationship. Respect extends beyond the internal interactions. A company with Respect as a pillar must also treat their suppliers, buyers and partners with similar grace.
Accountability - Taking responsibility, ownership and having accountability is a good thing when you work as a team to support each other. It provides clarity and increases engagement but is not, and must not, be about blame or developing a blame culture.
Fire – is enthusiasm, it’s unbridled passion and excitement for living life on your terms. “I’d rather regret the risks that didn’t work out than the chances I didn’t take at all.” - Simone Biles Gymnast.
Hard Work - believe in intelligent hard work. Busting your tail for something without thinking it through is a fool’s game. But working hard, with focus and desire is the key to getting ahead.
Confidence – it tells the story of who we truly are in the most authentic way possible. It is our representation of the way we want to be seen and how we want to see ourselves. Be confident in everything you do and you will never be denied.
Perseverance - we need to understand that everyone fails at one point or another. Sometimes, the way we get knocked down is completely out of our control. But we have to respond, and we have to rise to the occasion. You’ll find persistence and perseverance are ingredients that any happy and successful person put into practice.
Diversity - as a value can ensure you have a wide range of skills, opinions, views, experiences and talent within a business. This mix can move you forward quicker than businesses who do not focus on the opportunities brought about by diversity. For Diversity to be a true value, it has to operate at every level of your business